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Still have unanswered questions? Check out my most popular post ..
"Feng Shui is an ancient method to help guide good design and decorating choices, and I was very interested to see what I could find out about what Feng Shui principles have to say about plants in the...
I bet you have the same problem as i, I am renting and need screening to add privacy to my deck and pool area. Whala... Versatile, portable, and effective plants in pots to the rescue. When...
Every gardener knows the patience required when planting a new perennial bed or hedge. While we wait for those young shrubs and perennials to mature and fill in the space, the garden can sometimes...
I recently moved to Wilmington, NC, and have found gardening to be in a unique area called - Coastal North Carolina, including Wilmington, NC, Surf City, NC, Hampstead, NC, Myrtle Beach, and...
Elephant ear is the common name for several plants including: -Colocasia -Alocasia -Dieffenbachia -Xanthosoma -Caladium -Taro To find your growing zone, refer to the...